TB Sibalance

Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 3.1.0rc1
Format AUVST
Compatibility TB SibalanceMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $22  /  20€
Updated On Mar 1, 2015
Total Downloads 1,340
Mac Downloads 968


Pristine vocals deserve top notch sibilance processing using matched-filter technology for ultra-transparent de-essing.

De-essers can be an evil necessity. Vocal recordings may be too sibilant requiring de-essing (or excess sibilance removal), but most de-essers come with very clearly audible drawbacks as well. After de-essing, vocals may sound muffled, the ‘s’ may sound more like an ‘f’, or even worse, the operation of a de-esser manifests itself as a clearly-audible time-varying filter. TB Sibalance provides very powerful tools to reduce excess sibilance in a minimally invasive way. In contrast to conventional de-essers, TB Sibalance uses so-called ‘matched filter’ technology to only process those frequencies that are causing excess sibilance, while leaving all other frequency components untouched. The result of TB Sibalance will therefore sound cleaner and more transparent than that obtained with other de-essers.
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