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Manufacturers : Audio Engineering Society (AES)

Established in 1948, the Audio Engineering Society (AES) draws its membership from amongst engineers, scientists, manufacturers and other organizations and individuals with an interest or involvement in the professional audio industry. They are mainly engineers developing devices or products for audio, and also people working in audio content production. The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Its membership of leading engineers, scientists and other authorities has increased dramatically throughout the world, greatly boosting the society's stature and that of its members in a truly symbiotic relationship.

Latest videos about Audio Engineering Society (AES)

AES Oral History 070: Norman C. Pickering AES Oral History 070: Norman C. Pickering

Sep 17, 2012 - AES Oral History 070: Norman C. Pickering. Pioneer of innovations in phonograph cartridge design. Also known for his research on violin strings, bows, and violin acoustics.

AES Oral History 016: Kees A.S. Immink AES Oral History 016: Kees A.S. Immink

Jul 11, 2011 - AES Oral History 016: Kees A.S. Immink. Kornelis Antonie (Kees) Schouhamer Immink was born in Rotterdam, Holland and is known as the "Father of the CD." A scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur, who pioneered and advanced the era of digital audio, video, and data recording including the CD, DVD and...

AES Oral History 010: Robin C. Caine AES Oral History 010: Robin C. Caine

Jun 15, 2008 - AES Oral History 010: Robin C. Caine. Of Pro-Bel Ltd. has been active in AES conferences and broadcast standards committee work and for many years and has published numerous AES and IEEE articles on broadcast facility digital signal distribution and control systems.

AES Oral History 018: Les Paul AES Oral History 018: Les Paul

Jun 15, 2008 - AES Oral History 018: Les Paul. Born Lester William Polsfuss on June 9, 1915, is an award-winning guitarist and inventor. He is a pioneer in the development of the solid-body electric guitar, which became the sound of rock and roll. His many recording innovations include multitrack recording, along ...

AES Oral History 053: Stanley P. Lipshitz AES Oral History 053: Stanley P. Lipshitz

Jun 15, 2008 - AES Oral History 053: Stanley P. Lipshitz. Professor Lipshitz's research interests are multidisciplinary, drawing on areas of applied mathematics, physics, and electrical and mechanical engineering. They include the mathematical theory of dithered quantizers, noise shapers, and sigma-delta...

AES Oral History 074: Neville Thiele AES Oral History 074: Neville Thiele

Jun 15, 2008 - AES Oral History 074: Neville Thiele. A. Neville Thiele of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, together with Richard H. Small of the University of Sydney, pioneered a method of analysis for loudspeakers which was named after them (Thiele/Small parameters), a set of electromechanical parameters...

AES Oral History 058: Richard Small AES Oral History 058: Richard Small

Jun 15, 2008 - AES Oral History 058: Richard Small. An American scientist who worked mainly on electroacoustics. The Thiele/Small parameters are named after him. Small was born in San Diego, California. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the California Institute of Technology in 1956 and a Master of...

AES Oral History 085: Cornelis H. van de Gragt AES Oral History 085: Cornelis H. van de Gragt

Jun 15, 2008 - AES Oral History 085: Cornelis H. van de Gragt. Producer and Recording Engineer for Dutch Broadcasting. His focus is on knowledge of music among engineers. Also Educator at Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague.

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