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Digital Performer 4.1 download now available

Thursday September 4, 2003. 05:04 AM, by naro (translated by marklyn) Music Software > Mark Of The Unicorn
Music Software : Digital Performer 4.1 download now available - macmusicThe Digital Performer 4.1 update is now on the MOTU site! This a free update for Version 4.0 users that supports the Digidesign Audio Engine (DAE) and runs Audio Units plug-ins and virtual instruments. The update also include numerous other enhancements such as new virtual instrument tracks.

- Pro Tools DAE support – Digital Performer 4.1 can serve as a complete software front-end for a Pro Tools HD or Mix system, giving users full access to their TDM plug-ins and automated Pro Tools mixing environment. DP4.1 supports fully expanded Pro Tools systems at any sample rate up to 192kHz. Users can take advantage of DP4.1's powerful MIDI sequencing features in combination with their Pro Tools power-on-demand audio production environment.

- Support for Audio Units plug-ins and virtual instruments - Digital Performer 4.1 serves as an Audio Unit (AU) host, in which users can open and operate as many Audio Unitcompatible plug-ins and virtual instruments as their computer allows.

- Virtual instrument tracks – DP4.1's new virtual instrument (VI) tracks give users access to all AU- and MAS-compatible virtual instrument plug-ins installed on their computer. Virtual instrument tracks are easily created with the following shortcut: the user chooses the desired instrument directly from the Add Instrument Track command sub-menu. Or they can choose the desired instrument from the special instrument insert at the top of the Inserts section in the Mixing Board. The remaining insert slots provide DSP plug-ins (in both MAS and AU formats), which can be applied to the virtual instrument's output signal. DP 4.1 users can create as many instrument tracks as they wish, and open as many virtual instruments as their computer processing resources allow. DP4.1's virtual instrument support provides near-sample accurate timing performance. This means that in most circumstances (with typical buffer size settings), notes play no more than a sample earlier or later than the MIDI note that triggers them.

- Document templates – DP4.1 allows users to choose from a list of document templates when opening a new project. For example, one template provides 16 MIDI tracks and 32 audio tracks. Users can create, save, and use their own templates as well. Document templates not only help users get started more quickly, they serve as examples for how various types of projects can be set up.

- Recent Documents – The new Recent Documents item in DP4.1's File menu provides a sub-menu list of the last ten DP4 projects that have been opened, allowing users to quickly access recent work.

- Shift to Marker – DP4.1's shift command now provides an option to shift any selected material directly to any marker in the project.

- Snap to Marker – When the new 'Snap to Marker' menu item is checked, objects dragged in DP4.1's MIDI and audio graphic editors snap to the nearest marker location when they approach the marker.

- Input/output display in the Mixing Board – In previous versions of Digital Performer, users could access each track's input and output assignments from a menu below the track name. In DP4.1, the input and output can now be displayed below the track name. Users can choose to show or hide the input/output display.

- OMF file import/export enhancements – DP4.1's ability to import and export OMF files has been improved.

Digital Performer 4.1 is provided as a free download to all registered Version 4.0 users.
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