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Pro Tools Corner - Pro Tools 8 : MIDI Editor

Wednesday May 6, 2009. 12:12 AM, by Nantho Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools Corner - Pro Tools 8 : MIDI Editor - macmusicHere's a new Pro Tools Corner issue by our VIP Moderator Brian White from This time he focuses on the new MIDI editor in Pro Tools 8.

"The MIDI editor in Pro Tools 8 is one new feature that has certainly been turning heads, especially those of other "sequencer heavy" DAWs. While many users have been making comparisons to Logic's flavor of MIDI editing, the Pro Tools MIDI editor features a few unique tricks that are sure to speed up your sequencing workflow. This week at the Pro Tools Corner I will walk you through the basics of the MIDI editor and help you unlock the true sequencing power of Pro Tools 8."

if you have a Pro Tools related question that you would like Brian to take a shot at answering or have any feedback, please post-it in our Mac ProTools Forum or Pc ProTools Forum. Brian will do his best to select the questions that seem to stump the most people.
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