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Pro Tools 6.1 now available

Wednesday July 2, 2003. 04:08 PM, by clouvel (translated by pesji) Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools 6.1 now available - macmusicDigidesign announce today that Pro Tools 6.1 is now available.

This version cost 225$ fot the TDM version and 86$ for the LE version. The update is not free foe the updates from a version 5.

For the PT 6 users, the update is free and should be purchased through the local Digidesign sailers or on the "Support" web page of Digidesign.The Cd wiill be available for shipping around mid july. Note that Digidesign will not delivered directly thoses update CD's.

Only the registered users having purchased a P.T system (HD, Mix, Digi oo1, 002, 002 Rack, mBox ou Mix Refurbished) AFTER the 1st of april 2003 will receive directly their CD by post in two to three weeks.

In the new functions of this version: update available for Mac and P.C, inter compatibility Avid, compatibility Rewire...

Let's hope that this version 6.1 will finally correct the bugs of the P.T 6.0 and will bring stability which is the minimum one should expect from such a popular and of good quality but also so costly product! Since the previous version was quite disapointing on this aspect
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