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2 new MOTU USB interfaces are shipping now!

Friday June 20, 2003. 09:57 AM, by Sunny Voice Computer Hardware > Mark Of The Unicorn
Computer Hardware : 2 new MOTU USB interfaces are shipping now! - macmusicMOTU is now shipping two new bus-powered USB MIDI interfaces for Mac OS 9 and X :

- MIDI EXPRESS 128 : 8 MIDI IN, 9 MIDI OUT, 128 MIDI channels and compatibility with all Macintosh. Price $249
- MICRO LITE MIDI : 5 MIDI IN, 5 MIDI OUT and delivers 80 MIDI channels to a Mac via high-speed USB connection. Price $149

Both the MIDI Express 128 and Micro lite are now shipping and join the 4x6 micro express interface/SMPTE synchronizer ($295), the 8x9 MIDI Express XT interface/SMPTE synchronizer ($395), and the MIDI Timepiece AV interface and universal AV synchronizer ($595).
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