Drumagog Basic Promo

WaveMachine Labs has reduced the price of Drumagog Basic to $99 through the end of the year. Previously $199, this downloadable version of Drumagog can only be purchased through their online store and is not available in retail outlets.
Drumagog Basic is an entry-level version of Drumagog, a drum replacement software. Drumagog Basic now includes Auto Align and Advanced Triggering Mode, both features that were previously only included with more expensive versions of Drumagog. Auto Align is a phase alignment tool, and Advanced Triggering Mode provides the best triggering performance Drumagog has to offer. It features a smart algorithm which minimizes false triggering and maximizes sensitivity, making it particularly useful on difficult tracks.
Drumagog Basic is available in VST, AU and RTAS formats for Mac and Pc. Note that a 14-day demo version is also available.
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