ProTools Corner by Brian White
Saturday March 8, 2008. 11:29 AM | Misc > |
Here's a new ProTools Corner issue by our VIP Moderator Brian White from Protools corner is a cool column for tips, tricks, and other fun stuff related to ProTools. This month, Brian takes a close look at two specific timeline/transport features that often go unnoticed; dynamic transport mode and timeline/edit linking.
If you have a Pro Tools related question that you would like Brian to take a shot at answering or have any feedback, please post-it in our Mac ProTools Forum or Pc ProTools Forum. Brian will do his best to select the questions that seem to stump the most people.
If you have a Pro Tools related question that you would like Brian to take a shot at answering or have any feedback, please post-it in our Mac ProTools Forum or Pc ProTools Forum. Brian will do his best to select the questions that seem to stump the most people.
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