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Ambrosia updates Wiretap Studio to 1.0.1

Tuesday November 6, 2007. 03:12 AM, by lepetitmartien Music Software > Ambrosia Software
Music Software : Ambrosia updates Wiretap Studio to 1.0.1 - macmusicAmbrosia Software brings us its Wiretap Studio 1.0.1, an audio recording and management solution. This update goes into:
• Full Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 compatibility
• Finer-grained VU meters in Preferences->Source that better indicate average and peak values
• Export drop zone now includes iPhone, to drag your audio clips to your iPhone for use as custom ringtones
• Fixed a bug that could cause a freeze on Leopard if the OS was installed via an upgrade install
• Fixed an issue on Leopard when registering for all users immediately after installlation which could cause the registration to fail
• Numerous other fixes and enhancements

Wiretap requires OS X 10.4 or better. Ambrosia Wiretap Studio 1.0.1 costs $69, the upgrade for registered users is $30 (excluding OEM bundled versions). Competitive upgrades are available.
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