RME and PCI-Express

RME/Synthax Audio AG today announced their first recording solutions for the new PCI-Express bus found in current Apple OS and Windows based desktop computers. The HDSPe PCI Card and the HDSPe MADI card are newly engineered PCI-Express versions of their PCI successors. Still based on RME's famous Hammerfall DSP series features and quality the new PCI-Express core ensures full compatibility and maximum performance with the latest high-speed serial bus technology found in all newer motherboards and computers. Furthermore RME's FPGA core ensures full update capability via RME's Secure Flash technology, for further hardware and driver updates. Both cards come with drivers for Windows XP (multi-client operation of MME, GSIF and ASIO 2.0) and brandnew Windows Vista drivers. Apple users are perfectly served with Power PC and X86 (Intel) drivers providing Core Audio and Core MIDI support.
The HDSPe PCI Card will be available worldwide from March 2007. The HDSPe MADI Card will be available from April 2007. The pricing will be slightly higher compared to the standard PCI card products. For more information visit RME's web site.
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