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Pro Tools 7.3 now available

Wednesday December 6, 2006. 03:18 PM, by Nico VD Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools 7.3 now available - macmusicDigidesign is now shipping Pro Tools 7.3 software, a powerful new Pro Tools release that delivers new music composition tools, customizable user enhancements, and improved post production workflows. Here are key features for HD version :

New Music Creation Features

* Dynamic Transport mode allows playback to operate independently of the current selection
* Loop playback automatically updates to the selection without manually stopping and starting the transport
* Loop Trim tool enables you to easily turn audio or MIDI regions into loops
* Create Click Track command and preference
* New Tracks Default to Tick Timebase preference speeds up loop-based workflows
* Key Signature ruler enables key signature changes and transpositions
* Send to Sibelius command offers streamlined workflow between Pro Tools® and Sibelius notation software
* Loop Preview and Auto Preview options in DigiBase
* RTAS® Engine error suppression options
* Additional MIDI recording, editing, and export features

New Editing & Mixing Features

* Add and reorder tracks; create, move, or copy inserts and sends; and adjust I/O routing on the fly
* Time Shift DigiRack plug-in delivers superior time compression/expansion
* Drag and drop plug-in settings from the DigiBase browser onto empty insert slots or active plug-ins for instant plug-in opening and setting recall
* Open Recent menu command allows quick access to your last ten sessions

New Customization Features

* Up to 99 Window Configurations (aka "screen sets") to instantly recall custom view arrangements
* Customizable memory locations
* Customizable Zoom Toggle lets you define track view and height when zooming
* Continuously variable track height allows tracks to be instantly resized to any height

New Post Production Features

* HD video workflow support
* Avid® Interplay integration on Windows XP
* Support for conforming audio from field recorders
* Ability to pull-up and pull-down audio media during import

New Hardware Support Features

* Supports qualified Intel-based Macs* along with qualified PowerPC-based Macs and Windows XP systems
* Supports Avid Mojo®* and Avid Mojo® SDI*
* Support for recording/playback sessions from Mac-formatted HFS+ disks on Windows XP

For more information see Digidesign's web site.
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