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New Liquid Bundle II already uptaded to v 2.1

Sunday October 8, 2006. 06:06 PM, by Nolot Plug-ins > Nomad Factory
Plug-ins : New Liquid Bundle II already uptaded to v 2.1 - macmusicNomad Factory has quickly released it's new Liquid Bundle II package to version 2.1. As requested by users, GUI color has been changed from purple to skyblue.

Bug fixes :
• Fixed sample rate problem on the Liquid Delay II at 48K and higher.
• Fixed Square and Sawtooth waveforms introducing 'pops' to the output signal (Liquid Delays II, Liquid Mods II, Liquid Phase II)
• The save dialog option has been removed and replaced by a 'Save' menu options.

Liquid Bundle II is available at a discounted price at DontCrac[k].
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