D-Mute already purveyors of the free D-Comp just released the HuiDrum module for the Scope Fusion platfrom from Creamware. HUIdrums is a virtual drum machine with the 808 or 909 in mind (oh original!), 808 and 909 which are 2 of the three modes available, these two ones are self explanatory. the third mode Custom is to, well… customize it: import your own samples, full control on each sound.
Among the features you have: 11 drum slots, real time edition, tempo delay, Old Sound mode to get retro, a drumkit library, 3 skins, all parameters under MIDI control, each drum can get a different effect level, a master effect, import wav, AIFF or Akai up to 24bit/96kHz.
A demo is available on the website and you can also buy it there for 70€