A Design Audio new P-1 and EM Series preamps

A Design Audio introduces new modules of preamps, the P-1 and EM series. The P-1 is based on their Pacifica model (cream panel). The EM (Erickson/Montessi) are "twists" as they say around the P-1, each is sounding slightly different. In order to achieve this, different input and output custom wound transformers are used in each one (grey, blue and red panel). Every EM module features a DI input and a -20dB pad switch, 48V Phantom power with a LED indicator. The EM-Silver is better suited to ribbon microphones. It features a steel wound transformer. The EM-Red and EM-Blue have a darker sound. The EM-Blue features a nickel wound transformer giving more highs in the end. The EM-Red uses a 50/50 output transformer, along with a different input transformer for "more upfront mids".
Each module is listed for $850.
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