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Reminder : Pro Tools|HD Hardware Exchange offers

Sunday March 19, 2006. 11:10 AM, by saturax (translated by clouvel) Computer Hardware > Digidesign
Computer Hardware : Reminder : Pro Tools|HD Hardware Exchange offers - macmusicMacMusic remind you that that Digidesign Hardware Exchange prices will increase May 23, 2006, so owners of legacy Digidesign Pro Tools systems can still take advantage of preferential pricing on their hardware exchange up to a Pro Tools|HD system. To make the deal even sweeter, Digidesign is introducing the ExchangePack plug-ins. For a limited time, you can select additional plug-ins, for free, when you exchange up to a Pro Tools|HD 2 Accel or Pro Tools|HD 3 Accel system. The ExchangePack plug-ins are yours in addition to the Pro Tools HD 7 software, HDpack plug-ins, and Pro Tools Ignition Pack collection of creative tools that are included with every new Pro Tools|HD system.

The ExchangePack promotion will end March 20 (tomorrow indeed !).
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