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Pro Tools and Logic users, fancy some specialised forums?

Saturday January 7, 2006. 06:50 PM, by lepetitmartien 440network > MacMusic
440network : Pro Tools and Logic users, fancy some specialised forums? - macmusicWhile we are preparing some huge update of the website (tadaaaah…), we found that pushing things a bit in the forums for the better would be a good idea. Fancy some more specialised forums? So happy the Logic and Pro Tools users! You have from now on new dedicated forums in our forum software section. They will host all exchanges over these 2 softwares It'll make thing easier to find and share, it will sure make help even wiser too. Enjoy the two new forums, and be prepared for more surprises in the next days and weeks, is on the move to be bigger, better, easier, and even more your reference for hints and help. Yeeehaaa!
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