Beware of scammers! Really!
Wednesday December 21, 2005. 10:32 AM | 440network |
- Don't believe into "to good to be true" classifieds, they are usually not true.
- Trace the real origin of the contact, if he's in Kamtchatka when he's supposed to be in London, be sure it's for a reason: your money. If you have a doubt, ask me (lepetitmartien) I'll trace him for you.
- Never use Western Union, money transfers, you have NO protection whatsoever using these. For Paypal you have only warranties within certain limits.
- Never accept checks for an amount larger than the price to be "of service". it's a known scam.
- Use a money escrow service, especially for large sums. If your seller/buyer doesn't want to, stop it there!
- Never give your bank accounts or credit card details.
- Ask details about the object, photos…
And last and important: assure this classified service as is, we don't warrant anything in the classifieds or the following transactions. MacMusic.Org has no Warranty service. so to make things clear:
- There is no "MacMusic Insurance Center"
- There is no "MacMusic Insurance Center team"
- There is no "MacMusic managed purchase protection account"
- There is no "MacMusic SquareTrade center"
Any mail or PM referring to such sort of service is a scam using our name to steal you!
MacMusic.Org only provides the ability to members to use classifieds, nothing else. And I you suspect a classified to be a scam, let Babaille, who manages the classified by himself, know!
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