New JazzMutant web site has just been launched! In addition to its really slick design and global revamping, the main new feature of that web site is certainly its Workshop section. Workshop : You will find in that new section a collection of essential tutorials and examples to get the feel of your new Lemur in a couple of hours while using your favorite software. Already available tutorials: "Surround Panning Strategies" with Cubase SX ; "Exploring Granular Synthesis" with Max/MSP and a Lemur project template destinated to control the most popular loop-based sequencer: Ableton Live 5.
Version 1.2 : As good news never come alone, both JazzEditor and the Lemur firmware have also been greatly updated: objects improvement (the circular 2D controller RingArea now accept several attractors creating complex oscillation movements ; the Area object has been merged with the Multiball object featuring new Cursor and Physic modes) ; MIDI implementation (several new features ease the JazzEditor to scale and generate MIDI output from the OSC messages sent by the Lemur) ; Expression Parser / Compiler (new math operator and functions have been added).
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