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Pro Tools TDM 6.9cs Updates

Wednesday September 21, 2005. 08:40 AM, by sahara Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools TDM 6.9cs Updates - macmusicThe following Pro Tools CS (Customer Support) releases are now available.
Please see the individual update pages for complete details. In addition to all previous fixes, Pro Tools TDM 6.9.3cs2 for Mac OS X 10.4 and Pro Tools TDM 6.9.1cs3 for Mac OS X 10.3 all contain the following fixes:

- Fixed: Inconsistent Lock Times or Intermittent Locks When Syncing to Time Code. Lock times could vary from short, to very long, or no lock at all until you stopped the code and tried again. Also, record passes could result in "missed sync point" or -6085 errors, or "missed the sync point, due to time spend allocating disk space," while play passes could result in "waiting for sync" or "waiting for sync point."
- Fixed: Pro Tools Could Crash When Closing the Hardware Setup Window. This could occur when opening and closing the Hardware Setup dialog when D-Control was online, and a track has focused EQ and DYN plug-ins.
- Fixed: When Using Long Delay Compensation, the Pro Tools Mixer Could Create a Feedback Loop in Certain Situations (Item #67728) With large mixers, Feedback could occur across channels with buses assigned as inputs. This did not occur when using short delay compensation or no delay compensation.
- Fixed: When Using Delay Compensation, Some Mixer Paths Might Not Be Compensated Properly. This could occur in some large sessions when a single surround mixer was required to span multiple DSPs.
- Fixed: When Importing AAFs from Avid, Parsing Errors and Missed Translations on Some Tracks May Occur. An AAF from Media Composer Adrenaline 2.1.x, Xpress Pro 5.1.x, News Cutter Adrenaline & News Cutter XP 6.1.x may give parsing errors when imported into Pro Tools and some tracks may not translate correctly. In addition to this fix, Digidesign recommends that Avid users update to the latest version available.
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