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Pro Tools updated to v6.9.2cs2

Thursday July 21, 2005. 03:29 PM, by clouvel Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools updated to v6.9.2cs2 - macmusicDigidesign announces an update to version 6.9.2cs2 for both Pro Tools TDM and LE softwares. This update fixes : CoreAudio Did Not Function Properly With Many Third Party Applications (Item #63500 : QuickTime, Jam, Safari, iMovie and other applications were affected) and QuickTime Picture Was Sluggish When Using CoreAudio Drivers (Item #63831 : QuickTime picture could stutter, and slow down when outputting audio via the Digidesign CoreAudio driver). The TDM version updater also fixes a disk activity bug : disk activity was too high during record passes, and could result in -9073 errors.
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