The guys from Jazzmutant designed a really new generation of musical interface. It was presented at the Résonance festival of the IRCAM in Paris the 10/08/04. Lemur is a flat panel, responding to touch, to multiple touches in fact. You use a software to design you interface (balls, sliders, faders, keys…). You can touch/move as many as 20 at the same time.
This is not a MIDI device, but instead it's thru Ethernet network an OSC via TCP/UDP interface (you can add many Lemurs in the network). Note that for example Cycling'74 MAX/MSP/Jitter can transform OSC into Midi data ;) Other Compatible software are Reaktor, Sonasphere, Pure Data… (and audiomulch on PC). You design the control you need on the Lemur controler software, load it and you control your parameters in the compatible apps the way you want. Control objects can have physical behaviour (spring, collision, attraction…).
The actual resolution is 100X128 (don't ask me 100 what, I don't know) which may be a little low, we'll know once we'll touch one, and the latency is of 8-10 ms, which is not that bad for a strange beast like that. Mhmm, I find this yummy :)
Available first quarter 2005, price TBA. Check the on-site video, you'll understand !