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Pro Tools 6.4 TDM Available

Thursday May 20, 2004. 09:41 AM, by clouvel (translated by pesji) Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools 6.4 TDM Available - macmusicJust a few weeks after Pro Tools 6.4 LE, it's time for Pro Tools 6.4 TDM. This update is targeted at ownes of HD 1, HD 2, HD 3, HD 2 Accel, and HD 3 Accel hardware, on Power Mac G4 and G5, under Mac OS 10.3 Panther (officially only 10.3.2 is supported; 10.3.3 has not been fully tested).

This version features:
- support for ICON
- Command|8 and AVoption|V10
- automatic delay compensation
- TrackPunch and TrackInput functions,
- +12 dB gain on RecordLock faders
- Hierarchical plug-in menu
- numberings of tracks
- New Clip Meter Features
- 23.976 fps support
- improvement in the feet + frames display
- option of stopping Recording Monitoring on stop.

The update is listed at US$150 for registered Pro Tools|HD owners; the LE update is free for users of 6.x.
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