ReCycle 2.1 Released (OS X)
 This fabulous looping software is online since Feb. 5th, free for registered users of the 2.0 CD and for sale for owners of earlier versions or 2.0 users without CD (US$17-76). This software is also part of the bundle you get with Reason adapted (a light version of reason). Register and download Reload for free for compatibility between Akai samples and both Reason and ReCycle. The new release adds Mac OS X compatibility and 24-bit audio file support.
Editor's Comment: Enjoyed those REX loops in Reason and want to make your own, for use in Reason, Logic, Digital Performer, and others? ReCycle is the way to do it. Load audio, chop it up in ReCycle, and play with the REX files. REX is a more flexible format with features Apple Loops doesn't have (and no reason you can't use both!). Short explanation: while Apple Loops is based mainly around cataloguing loop files, ReCycle gives you the most control over how you subdivide your audio loop into beats for manipulation. The OS X version has been much-anticipated.Now the question isn't what's available for OS X, but what isn't. (MetaSynth, anyone?) -PK
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