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NAMM Preview: Cycling `74 Brings Pluggo, M, More to OS X

Tuesday January 6, 2004. 04:21 AM, by peterkirn Music Software > Cycling '74
Music Software : NAMM Preview: Cycling `74 Brings Pluggo, M, More to OS X - macmusicHere's the moment you've been waiting for: M, the algorithmic composition software developed by defunct Dr. T's and not seen by many since leg warmers were in fashion, is coming to OS X, courtesy Cycling `74. Okay, that's probably not the moment you've been waiting for, but if M is on OS X, I think we can safely say the OS X transition is coming to a close, and it'll be a chance for many to discover this delightful program. The moment you probably HAVE been waiting for: Pluggo for OS X, bringing with it the ability to create infinite plugins in Max/MSP and to load up your OS X plug-ins menu with an obscene number of odd (and useful) effects. California developer Cycling hasn't stopped there: there's also Sustained Encounters, the first Cycles audio library, plus Mode plug-ins announced at Messe. It's like Christmas for OS X audio. Enjoy.
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