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Apple Logic Pro X

Thursday July 18, 2013. 09:00 AM, by d-cipher Music Software > Apple
Music Software : Apple Logic Pro X - macmusicThe new Logic Pro X is now available (since july 16th)

Logic Pro X has more than just a new look — it gives you new options you’ve never had before. You can work the way you always have, with the full power and depth of Logic Pro. Or if you’re exploring ideas, you can choose to work with a more streamlined set of controls to keep things moving right along. You can also personalize Advanced Tools to make your workflow match your creative flow.

Keep your sessions better organized by consolidating multiple related tracks — for example, all the drums or vocals — into a new track format called a Track Stack. Choose to have your Track Stack routed to a new auxiliary for quick and convenient submixing. Or use Track Stacks to create rich, layered, or split instruments that are easy to manage, save, and reuse. And your Track Stack can be collapsed for simplicity or expanded at any time for more control.

Finish tracks faster with the more intuitive Mixer. Now you can simply use your mouse to select, open, close, bypass, or re-order plug-ins. No need to reach for a modifier key. And channel strips serve up more useful information at a glance. Plug-in and routing menus have been re-ordered to better reflect signal flow. A new gain-reduction meter helps you keep an eye on dynamic processing. And the nonsegmented metering design gives you more accurate and higher-resolution level feedback.

The Score editor has been enhanced to improve visibility and functionality. With the new track-based design, it’s easier to see and edit notes on tracks with multiple regions. Notes within looped sections are also displayed. And empty staves fill the space between regions to help you stay oriented within a project.

You can now share songs to your SoundCloud account right from Logic Pro. And the Media Browser lets you seamlessly move Logic Pro X assets to Final Cut Pro X or other Apple apps. Thanks to new support for the MusicXML format, scores with markings and ornamentations transfer to other notation applications completely intact.

Introducing the first virtual session player that sounds so realistic, everyone will think you worked with a real drummer in the studio. Created using some of the industry’s best session drummers and recording engineers, Drummer delivers impeccably performed, natural-sounding drums. It can listen to any selected track and come up with the perfect complementary groove. And it takes your direction.

The vintage keyboard collection is better than ever, thanks to beautiful new interfaces and sonic refinements that bring a new level of authenticity to your sounds. The most important interface controls on the Vintage B3, Vintage Electric Piano, and Vintage Clav are now front and center, while the full depth and flexibility of the real-time models are just a click away.
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