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CherryPicker 2.0 released

Wednesday October 1, 2003. 02:03 PM, by bodiddly Music Software > Robert Martin
Music Software : CherryPicker 2.0 released - macmusicCherryPicker 2.0 has been released:

Version 2 of CherryPicker adds many new features to the first release along with a redesigned interface.

OMS patch file format supported (Read only) as well as FreeMIDI and midnam (Read/Write).
Custom Banks containing patches with different bank selects will now work with Digital Performer 4.x
Entire banks can be dragged between patch files, making expansion board upgrading a snap.
Text files containing patch names in many formats can be dropped onto patch banks to create instant patches.
Global patch finder will locate matches in all banks, and automatically create new banks for the matches.
Note list and note group drag and drop editing implemented.
IAC bus provided to audition midi tracks on your sequencer while selecting patches.
Warns you if there is no entry in the manufacturer's middev file for the model you are editing.
Transmits global and bank level sysex initialization.

CherryPicker is 'donation ware".
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