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Mac and Music News

Mar 7 - 12:47 PM, by killingjoke Virtual Instrument > Mark Of The Unicorn
Virtual Instrument : MOTU BPM v1.01 - macmusicMOTU announces that BPM version 1.01 is now available as a free, downloadable update for all registered BPM users. This is not just a "maintenance update". Version 1.01 is loaded with significant new features, including the ability create slices in audio files that don't have them yet, plus the ability to drag and drop slice loops onto a pad bank to automatically load loop slices into the pads.

In addition to many optimizations and enhancements "under the hood", here is a brief overview of the new features in BPM version 1.0.1 :

- Loading slice loops into banks : you can now drag & drop a slice loop onto a bank to automatically load individual slices onto the bank's 16 pads.
- Slicing loops : you can now create slices in audio files that do not yet have slices. Using new controls in BPM's Clip window, you can slice by transient or by beat grid, then save or even export the individual slices. You can also automatically slice loops when loading them into a rack part.
- Importing multiple samples : you can now drag & drop multiple samples to import them, either into separate pads or as layers onto a single pad.
- Pad templates : you can now load and save MIDI note mapping templates for BPM's sixteen pads. Factory templates for popular 3rd-party pad controllers are provided, including the Akai MPD16, Akai MPD32, KORG padKONTROL, and the M-Audio Trigger Finger.
- Mono sampling : BPMSampler is now available as both a mono and stereo plug-in, allowing you to sample external sources in either mono or stereo.
- Saving performances with samples : there is a new command that allows you to save an entire performance, together with all associated samples, to create a self-contained snapshot of everything in the performance.
Mar 7 - 11:59 AM, by Nantho Plug-ins > Sound Performance Lab
Plug-ins : SPL - new TDM plugs & native updates out - macmusicSPL has announced the availability of the brand-new TDM versions for all their Analog Code plug-ins : TransientDesigner, TwinTube and EQ Ranger Series. All TDM installers contain the Native versions as well (RTAS, VST, AU).

SPL has also updated native versions to 1.0.3 which contains AudioSuite support for all plugins and minor fixes.
Mar 6 - 02:14 PM, by williamk Virtual Instrument > Wusik
Virtual Instrument : Wusik EVE v2.5.1 - macmusicWusik announces that it has licensed EVE (Electronic Vintage Ensemble) from Dash Signature / NUSofting and updated it to v2.5.1. This is a free update for all existing EVE owners.

Changes in v2.5.1 :

- Fixed: problem with message boxes freezing the host/sequencer.
- Added: Mac VST, double-click on any parameter will open MIDI-Learn (and/or Right-Click for the AU or Windows version).
- Changed: no more multiple messages when loading a preset which has missing sounds. - Only the last error message will be showed in the GUI/Editor.
- Fixed: Demo version, expiring message will no longer popup and free the host/sequencer. It will show in the GUI/Editor only.
- Fixed: missing sounds from the sounds popup-listing (WusikSND files only).

Changes in v2.5.0 :

- Added: New permanent preset browser at the right area. Plus, Up and Down buttons for easier selection of presets with the mouse.
- Added: Mouse Middle-Button click and drag does fine-tuning of any parameter. The same for Left-Click while holding the Shift key.
- Plus some minor GUI improvements and a few small internal bugs were fixed too.

EVE is available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST and AU plug-in formats and costs $99.95. New EVE orders also now include the Mellotronix sound library.

Note for the MAC version. In some hosts, you may need to Right-Click, hold and click with the Left button, in order to open the MIDI-Learn option.
Mar 6 - 01:41 PM, by killingjoke (translated by pesji)Event
Event : Tim Conrardy Passed Away - macmusicThis great actor of the sound synthesis scene has just passed away on February 28, he was just turning 51.

He was mainly active on the Camel Audio website where he was a main player of the sound design of the production. A memorial of him is online here :
Mar 6 - 01:07 PM, by Nantho Plug-ins > PSP Audioware
Plug-ins : PSP Nitro v1.1.2 - macmusicPSP Nitro has been updated to version 1.1.2.

Changes :

- Default bank file can be defined for each bank slot. The bank will then be loaded on plug-in startup (to return to factory bank hold Apple/Ctrl button on clicking DFLT).
- GUI controls respond fine in MOTU Digital Performer.
- AudioUnit PowerPC<>Intel-Mac session portability issues resolved.
- PC<>PPC<>Intel-Mac bank and preset file portability issues resolved.
- Some minor GUI issues fixed.
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