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Mac and Music News

Through Saturday July 30, 2011
Jul 18 - 10:57 PM, by lepetitmartien Music Software > Apple
Music Software : OSX, slowly but surely - macmusicAfter the issuing of Jaguar (OSX.2), which will be released on the August 24th, music arrives at last in force on OSX :
Driver for the MOTU 828 in 4 weeks, Digital Performer as a christmas present, Logic Audio 5.2 in beta, almost finished, out during august (at worst for the 24th), Native Instrument stuff "soon"…

Source; MacworldNY visitors (big thank you to every one on the Analogue Heaven mailing list)
Jul 18 - 04:22 PM, by Wave Idea Computer Hardware > Wave Idea
Computer Hardware : Bitstream Pro now works on mac - macmusicThe long awaited BitStream PRO configuration software is now available to Mac users from the Wave Idea website, free for download.
Jul 18 - 01:41 PM, by deleted Music Software > Mark Of The Unicorn
Music Software : Digital Performer and OS X support - macmusicMOTU, Inc. announced today that Digital Performer, MOTU's flagship audio workstation software, is coming to Mac OS X, maintaining its fidelity to the Mac-only platform.
Jul 17 - 03:24 PM, by Francois Déchery Apple > Apple
Apple : MWNY: 17' iMac and MacOS X 10.2 - macmusicAnnouncements made during the Steve Jobs conference at the MacWorld New York show:

new iMac: 17' flat-panel (1440x900 pixels) and Nvidia Gforce4 graphic card.

• Quicktime 6 has MPEG4 support. MPEG-4 includes AAC audio, a new audio format made by... Adobe (!)

• Apple announces Jaguar as Mac OS X 10.2 with 150 new features. It will cost $129 and will be delivered in stores on August 24th

• Sherlock 3 completely rewritten

• Inkwell technology: handwriting recognition integrated into MacOS X, will work with every application.

• Rendezvous technology: automatic discovery of devices (computers, printers...) on network without configuration.

• Mail application largely improved: search in every mailbox, better handling of m ...
Jul 16 - 12:01 AM, by Mr.T Computer Hardware > Digidesign
Computer Hardware : Digi 002—FireWire support + integrated Control Surface - macmusicIt seems that Digidesign has decided at last to offer us a FireWire interface combined with a dedicated Control Surface... The product should be introduced on July 18 at DigiWorld Nashville.

Where did we get the news from? Digidesign's Home Page, where, after a fourth dimension style whirlwindish effect appears a lovely teaser message announcing a new PTLE solution, topped by a FireWire icon and a picture of something that looks like what could actually be a miniature ProControl...
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