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Mac and Music News

Through Saturday July 30, 2011
Jan 25 - 09:15 PM, by abcdaniel Music Hardware > Gibson
Music Hardware : Gibson Digital Guitar - macmusicGibson is releasing a digital guitar, featuring an ethernet-connection in addition to normal analogue out. It is designed to work as a normal Gibson Les Paul, but with digital options to expand the guitarists creative canvas, including the ability to assign separate outputs for separate strings, via a claimed no-latency breakoutbox. With some agile fingers you might be able to play all six guitarparts of your new rockopera yourself, at the same time.
Jan 25 - 07:55 PM, by lepetitmartien Misc
Misc : Peter Forrest in full effect - macmusicMy little finger (well, Peter in fact…) told me that the author of the infamous (and ultimate) "A to Z of Analogue Synthesizers" is on the way to finish his book on effects. If it's on the same league as the AZAS expect: companies histories, product extensive info, advice on the value both in use and on the 2nd hand market, and unknown beasts and white elephants.

Expect the book to be out for sale on the VEMIA site before the end of the year.
Jan 25 - 02:58 PM, by clouvel Music Software > Ableton
Music Software : Ableton Live updated to v4.1 - macmusicAbleton has updated its audio sequencer Live to version 4.1. This release is a huge bugfix version : crash with sample reverse, crash with MIDI Learn button, crash when deleting MIDI Track, crash when removing MIDI interface devices, and much more.

Info and download in the MacMusic softwares section.
Jan 24 - 07:20 PM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > IK Multimedia
Virtual Instrument : IK Miroslav Philharmonik - macmusicIK Multimedia and Sonic Reality have announced the acquisition of the Miroslav Orchestral Sample Library, and unveil a first product based on this acquisition, the Miroslav Philharmonik, an integrated Orchestral Workstation plug-in. Miroslav Philharmonik will contain Miroslav Orchestral and Choir sample collection, and 16 part multi-timbral sample-based orchestral workstation plugin.

IK Miroslav Philharmonik will be available from Spring 2005 for 499 euros.
Jan 24 - 06:05 PM, by lepetitmartien Audio Hardware > Focusrite
Audio Hardware : Focusrite for everyone - macmusicFocusrite launches 3 new products: Platinum Pro, Platinum OctoPre LE DAW and the Sapphire FW interface. The Platinum Pro is a preamp/compressor, the less expensive recording channel they sell. The pre comes from the Green range, there's a DI, an optical comp, EQ, latency free monitoring and optional ADC 24/96 digital out. Price is $299, ADC is $199, shipping in january so…

The Platinum OctoPre LE DAW and Digital Console Interface, as the name suggest, it's 8 preamps including 2 "Super Channels" which includes DI and impedance matching all at 0.003% THD, 110 dB A dynamics. It feature also a peak-reading meter similar to the ones on the Red range, switchable to the channel you want to monitor. The optional A/D-D/A card in adat lightpipe use wordclock with a X256 clock for Protools addicts. available in January (it's an habit) for $499, Digital I/O option for 199$

The Sapphire is a fireWire interface designed by the guys behind the Liquid Channel. It's a DSP peripheral, with ultra low latency, 24/192 conversion, 4 ins: 2 preamps and S/PDIF, 8 balanced outs for monitoring/headphones or 7.1 surround. Why a DSP then? because there's a plug-in suite: compression, EQ, amp modeling and monitor path reverb available on analogue inputs, for recording wet and or monitoring. Bundled is also a software to record up to 5 stereo mixes of incoming and recorded tracks. The plug-ins are available also in your favorite DAW. And… you have a MIDI I/O on top. Price and availability TBA.
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