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Mac and Music News

Through Saturday July 30, 2011
Apr 16 - 08:01 AM, by lepetitmartien Plug-ins > Eiosis
Plug-ins : ELS Vocoder groupbuy - macmusicEliosound is proposing a group buy of its ELS Vocoder. The aim is a -55% from the normal price, or even -65% for the first in the deal (they are already 20 buyers and the reduction 15%). It runs until the 1st of May and if at this date the number of buyers is higher than 300 it'll be -55% for everyone save the lucky first ones… The original price of the ElS Vocoder is $279 / 219€, the aim is $125 / 98€! Don't waste your time, it's a very very nice voder.
Apr 16 - 12:01 AM, by Nolot Plug-ins > Sonnox
Plug-ins : Free Oxford Transmod Plugin for Bundle Purchasers - macmusicIn a promotion marking the beginning of the new company, Sonnox is offering a free Oxford TransMod plug-in to anyone who purchases and registers an Oxford Plugins bundle between April 16th and May 31st 2007. Bundles are available for ProTools TDM, Native (AU, VST, ProTools LE) and Powercore platforms and can be custom created by choosing anything from two to six plug-ins.
Apr 12 - 01:10 PM, by groovemonkee Virtual Instrument > Groove Monkee
Virtual Instrument : Blues MIDI library for BFD and EZDrummer - macmusicGroove Monkee is pleased to announce the release of their 8th library of MIDI beats. Groove Monkee Blues contains over 800 beats for blues and blues rock arranged as 8 and 12-bar segments. The library includes 11 full-length songs plus additional intros, fills and endings. The beats are formatted for GM, BFD and EZDrummer. Additional formats such as DFH1, DFH2, DFHS, DFH C&V, Groove Agent and IMAP are available free of charge.

The Library is available now via instant download or on CD.
Apr 12 - 01:09 PM, by Nantho Audio Hardware > GenoQs Machines
Audio Hardware : Octopus OS v1.00 - macmusicGenoQs Machines have made OS v1.00 available for download. It took longer than expected, and it features a whole lot more than expected! For those of you who do not know what the Octopus is? It is a high end Midi Control Sequencer.

For a complete list of new features, evolved functionality, and for minor changes, visit the link below.
Apr 12 - 01:00 PM, by Nantho Music Hardware > Access Music
Music Hardware : Access Virus TI software suite 2.03 - macmusicA new version of Virus TI software suite is available for download. Among other enhancements, the new version 2.03 adds tutorial videos and a new Help function from within the Virus Control AU/VST plug-in. The videos illustrate how best to integrate Virus Control with Apple Logic and Ableton Live. In addition, tutorial Videos on how to install and use Virus Control have been included.

For more information, please visit their web site.
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