X-spat boX is a sort of external DSP expander with 8 mono or 4 stereo inputs and a free configurable multichannel output (from stereo to 8.0 including 5.1 and 7.1). As any other outboard (delay, reverb and so on), just connect the X-spat boX output to an AUX Bus of your mixer and send the audio sources to be processed to one or more X-spat boX inputs.
The X-spat boX is based on a cluster of ADSP-21161N processors dedicated to signal routing, preprocessing of inputs to audio matrix, sends, returns and effects. The Matrix offer various 3D Positional Audio effects in real time, including IAD, ITD, Front/rear Spectral Enhance and Doppler, among the others.
XSpatBoX allows 8 input channels (ADAT or FireWire to DSP card) and up to 8 output channels (DSP to ADAT or FireWire). A flexible routing section allows total reconfiguration of all the available inputs and outputs via MIDI. Surround 5.1 or 7.1 configurations, with discrete channels, offer also external sends and stereo/mono monitoring options. An impressive MIDI implementation chart ensures full compatibility with the best audio/MIDI softwares on the market like Cubase SX, DP4, Logic Pro, ProTools etc.