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Mac and Music News

Feb 26 - 02:54 AM, by Nantho Music Software
Music Software : Online multitrack recording... - macmusicDebuts the DM-Recorder. This standalone 16-rack audio recorder software is specially designed for live or time-delayed recording with several partners using an Internet broadband connection. Project owners can allocate single tracks to members of a joint project. The project's audio files can be securely swapped and stored on a central server allowing all involved to work with their own files independently. On top of that takes can be recorded in real-time with two instances of the DM-Recorder using DM-Link technology.

A public beta version of the DM-Recorder is immediately available for registered users as a free download. For more information please visit their web site.
Feb 23 - 11:06 AM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > D16 Group
Virtual Instrument : D16 group Nepheton - macmusicAfter Phoscyon and Drumazon, d16 group has announced Nepheton which is an emulation of the classic 808 drum machine taking its sound a step further with all the original functions and many additional features.

Features :

- 16 fully synthesized instruments
- perfectly scaled knob ranges
- exhanced control of instruments' sounds
- dynamic signal routing from instruments to outputs
- user defined outputs configuration
- mutes/solos for each instrument (affect triggerring not just the signal)
- fully controllable via MidiCC
- quick midiCC assignation with MidiLearn function

- many ways of controlling the device :
+ external mode (note mode)
+ internal sequencer (pattern mode) with 3 submodes

- external mode :
+ user defined midi map (default set equal to General Midi) ...
Feb 23 - 10:29 AM, by Nantho (translated by lepetitmartien)Audio Hardware > Sontronics
Audio Hardware : The Appollo with a ribbon - macmusicSontronics will release at the end of March the Appollo, a new stereo ribbon microphone. It'll be of Blumlein X/Y configuration so aimed mostly at orchestra, choirs and ensembles micing. The Appollo is mono switchable if needed too.

- 20Hz - 20kHz, stereo Blumlein figure of 8
- Sensitivity: 18mV/Pa -33dB ±1dB (0dB = 1V/PA 1,000Hz)
- Impedance: ?150 Ohms
- noise level: 12dB (pond. A)
- fantom power: 48V ±4V (x2)
- Connectics: 6 points to 2 XLR-M (furnished)
Price TBA
Feb 22 - 11:03 AM, by Nantho Plug-ins
Plug-ins : Transmogrification... - macmusicDaevlmakr Media has released the Daevl.Plugs Audio Transmogrification Suite v1.0.1 for Mac OS X in VST and Audio Units plug-in formats. This suite contains 9 major plug-ins and 9 CPU-light mini-plugs. Many employ random or chaotic processes triggered by peaks in the source material. Each has its own strengths, but every Daevl.Plug will transmogrify anything: voice, bass, guitar, synthesizers, drums, choirs of heavenly angels...

The 9 major plug-ins are :

- daevl.cerberus: three delays in a feedback network with time shifting, distortion via self frequency modulation.
- daevl.cubedriver: a bitcrusher and pitchshifter inside a stereo delay loop. When feedback is engaged on the delay lines, audio is re-pitched and re-crushed on each new trip through the loop. A variable strength enve ...
Feb 22 - 10:53 AM, by Nantho Music Software > Sonoma Wire Works
Music Software : RiffWorks v2.1 - macmusicSonoma Wire Works has released version 2.1 of RiffWorks. This is a maintenance release for all versions of RiffWorks with updates and changes that improve device support, registration, graphics, plug-in support and RiffLink collaboration.
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