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Mac and Music News

Through Saturday September 5, 2009
Sep 27 - 06:20 PM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > LinPlug
Virtual Instrument : LinPlug updates Albino and Cronox - macmusicRob Papen and LinPlug have updated Albino to fix a bug in Cubase and the empty bank List bug. LinPlug has also updated Cronox to v3.0.4 which fixes a 5.1 mix bug in Cubase / Nuendo and also makes it compatible with Muse Research's Receptor.
Sep 27 - 04:50 PM, by clouvel Music Software > Sagan Technology
Music Software : Metro pre v6.3.2.4 - macmusicSagan announces a pre-release version of Metro. This updated version now features : software no longer limits its compensation of plug-in latencies to audio packet sizes, fixes a problem with USB audio devices, fixes a crash occuring when mixing or rendering a 24 bit source audio file to 16 bits, recording multiple MIDI tracks from different sources may not have been allocating the correct amount of memory fixed, and other minor bugs fixed.
Sep 27 - 04:29 PM, by clouvel Computer Hardware > Metric Halo
Computer Hardware : Mobile I/O version 2.2 - macmusicMetric Halo has released the Version 2.2 update of Mobile I/O Console and driver software for Mac OS X. This update provides increased performance across all Mobile I/O hardware models. Users of the Mobile I/O 2882, 2882+DSP, ULN-2, and ULN-2+DSP can now take advantage of the update with Mac OS X 10.3.9 through 10.4.2.

This update is freely available to all registered users of Mobile I/O hardware.
Sep 27 - 11:04 AM, by 1pierre (translated by Beenome)Misc > Pierre Couprie
Misc : Musical Slide Shows Editing - macmusicEDiMu-"Edition de Diaporamas Musicaux" -Musical Slide Shows Editing in English - is a soft that allows you to create animations from one or several images (such as scores), a cursor, graphical notes or even one or more sound files. Thus, you can easily synchronize scores scrolling on screen with sound files, add a cursor as well as some notes. Cursor mouvements and notes showing or hiding can also be synced with sound files. This software is especially aimed at music teachers or musicologists.

This is only a beta version for the moment.
Sep 26 - 04:10 PM, by clouvel Plug-ins > Arboretum Systems
Plug-ins : Ray Gun Pro updated to v3.1.2 - macmusicArboretum Systems announced an update to version 3.1.2 of Ray Gun Pro Audio Units. This release adds a general Bypass button in the output module of the Ray Gun window. Ray Gun Pro is an ideal tool for cleaning up scratchy vinyl, tape hiss, noisy dialog, HVAC noise, and any track with poor sonic quality.
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