SoundToys has released SoundToys Native Effects V3, which consists of five plug-ins, EchoBoy, FilterFreak, PhaseMistress, Crystallizer, and Tremolator. They are all available in Audio Units, RTAS and AudioSuite plug-in formats for Mac OS X Universal Binary. A sixth effect, Speed, is also included but currently in AudioSuite format only.
EchoBoy includes 30 built-in echo styles modeled after various vintage echos (ATR-102, EchoPlex, Space Echo, Memory Man, DM-2, TelRay oilcan delay, etc...). EchoBoy's chorus even emulates the CE-2 chorus, considered a holy-grail of guitar chorus pedals.
FilterFreak is a "fat" and "warm" resonant analog filter plug-in, designed to do all the things you do with filters. From funky envelope followers like Mutron, to classi ...