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Mac and Music News

Through Friday January 23, 2009
Mar 8 - 04:22 PM, by Iced Audio Music Software > Iced Audio
Music Software : AudioFinder 3.9.5 now in Universal Binary format - macmusicIcedaudio released a version 3.9.5 in Universal Binary format of AudioFinder for new Intel-based new Macs. AudioFinder is a sample lirary manager which provides a user interface like the Mac OS X Finder that is optimized for browsing and auditioning audio sample files; it enables you to find any sound based on the file name. AudioFinder can guess the BPM or the user can utilize the BPM Tap Pad to tap out the tempo. Once the BPM is found AudioFinder can rename the audio file to include the BPMAudioFinder supports the AIFF, AIFC, SD2, REX and WAV formats.
Mar 8 - 03:17 PM, by clouvel Computer Hardware > Metric Halo
Computer Hardware : Metric Halo for MacIntel - macmusicMetric Halo announces that the Universal Binary version of the Mobile I/O driver is now available for download from the Metric Halo website. The Mobile I/O driver has been updated to a Universal Binary and runs Native on both the Intel and PowerPC platforms. The version number of this driver is 2.2d94. MIO Console has been tested under Rosetta, and currently runs translated on the Intel-based Macs. This version of the driver supports all Macs running Mac OS X 10.3.9 and newer (both Intel and PowerPC). Please note that Mac OS X 10.4.4 for Intel has a bug in Firewire that will cause a Kernel Panic if you run MIO Console with a box attached. As a result, users must update their OS install to 10.4.5 on Intel-based Macintoshes to utilize MIO Console.
Mar 8 - 12:50 PM, by clouvel 440network > Native Instruments
440network : Benchtest Reaktor 5 - macmusicAlmost seven years ago, Native Instruments combined the Synth program Generator with the Sampler playback program Transformator, to create Reaktor. And it has never looked back, going on to become a "Sound Monster". Some months ago version 5 was released and just recently, the version 5.1. It is a good occasion to take another look at Native Instrument's flagship product.

MacMusic is very happy to benchtest the well-known Reaktor v5.0 - 5.1 from Native Instruments. Translated from the original article of Roald Baudoux by Bruce Dunnet.
Mar 8 - 10:37 AM, by clouvel Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools HD goes to v7.1cs5 - macmusicDigidesign has just updated its Pro Tools HD software to version 7.1cs5. This release fixes :

- Moving the Tempo Slider to Change Tempo Does Not Update the Play/Edit Selection (Item #70901);
- Some Third-Party Applications Could No Longer Copy Audio into the Pro Tools Region List (Item #73194);
- When using the Expansion|HD chassis, Launching Pro Tools Could Result in an 1150 Error (Item #73160);
- Bouncing to a QuickTime Movie Would Sometimes Leave Out the Video (Item #65203);
- Crash Occurs When a Plug-In Exceeds the CPU Limit for Extended Periods of Time (Item #72085);
- File Corruption Problems with MXF Audio Media (Item #72525).
Mar 7 - 11:28 AM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > Digidesign
Virtual Instrument : Xpand! 1.0.1 - macmusicAn updater to version 1.0.1 for Digidesign Xpand! is now available. Xpand! 1.0.1 includes the following new or enhanced features:

- Improved audio and MIDI performance in general
- Drawing performance has been improved.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Xpand! Smart Display to turn gray.
- Fixed an issue where FX1 edit 2 control is not mapped correctly on the 002/command|8 pagetable.
- Fixed an issue where the UI sometimes freezes causing mouse clicks not being recognized correctly.

In order to use this updater, the full version of Xpand! v1.0 must already be installed from the Xpand! installation CD.
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