At Frankfurt Steinberg announces a new symphonic VST instrument and library: HALion Symphonic Orchestra. A 27GB library, integrated easy-to-use player, RealAmbience adjustable recorded reverb and range of playability features combine to form a new orchestral composition and production tool. Played by a leading European orchestra, the expansive 27GB HSO library encompasses a vast array of articulations for strings, woodwind, brass and percussion including crescendo, decrescendo, accents, half and whole tone thrills, bowing (where applicable), portamento, pizzicato, expressivo and many more. 1250 programs offer solo, ensemble and tutti sounds for almost every instrument, with innovatively programmed facilities like key-switches and crossfades providing easy use of complex sample groups.
Supporting VST, DXi, AU as well as ReWire for easy integration into Pro Tools, HALion Symphonic Orchestra also offers a stand-alone mode. it will be available n Q2 2006 for €499.00.