AMS NEVE announced 3 new modules at the Musikmesse: the 8803, a dual channel EQ; the 8804, a fader pack; and the 9001, their first ever Valve module, a dual channel. All three units share the 88 range characteristics of recallable setting and USB interfacing with your computer. The 8803 is a 1U rack, featuring a dual channel EQ based on the 8108 design with enhancements (frequency and Q ranges) and filter. Balanced inputs with +/- 20dB trims, 12 dB HP filter (25Hz-300Hz corner frequency), 12dB LP filter (3kHz to 15kHz corner frequency). The EQ: selectable shelving, switchable Q on high and low bands, continuously variable Q on the mids. The selection of the frequencies are continuous in the ranges 33Hz to 440Hz, 120Hz to 2kHz, 0.8kHz to 9kHz and 1.5kHz to 18kHz.