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Mac and Music News

Mar 25 - 12:41 AM, by abaco Misc >
Misc : New Releases from - announced the release of three new loop based Groove Constuction Kits: HipHop Kit, Dance/Techno Kit and Pop/Rock Kit. Each kit contains over 320 loops for quick and easy construction of original music with programs like Cubase, Logic Audio, Apple's Garageband and of course Acid. Each Groove Construction Kit contais a generous helping of pounding drums, booming basses plus lots of synths, guitars, keys and more. Each kit retails for only $24.95 and can be ordered directly from with free shipping! offers dozens of other titles like Mega Guitar, eXtreme Guitar, Analog Heaven, ethnoLOGIC, Warped and Twisted, Sonic Textures and more. Their Mega Guitar and Analog Heaven CDs just received the highest praise from the UK's Digital Music Maker Magazine.
Mar 25 - 12:36 AM, by Kreativ-Sounds Music Software > Kreativ Sounds
Music Software : Kreativ Sounds releases ACTIVE eBASS for Reason - macmusicKreativ Sounds releases ACTIVE eBASS, a downloadable refill for Reason 2.5.
This is not just another bass sample collection, AeB is a Hybrid Bass Refill. AeB combines additive, analog and guitar basses. AeB Refill features:
- 40 bass multisamples + lots of ones shot FXs, all 44KHz/24bit wavs for maximum quality;
- 110 NNXT Advanced Sampler Patches with True NNXT Guitar mapping;
- 210 NN19 Sample Patches for quick setups;
- 150 SubTractor Patches more oriented to analog bass modeling;
- 150 Malstrom Patches more oriented to guitar bass modeling;
- 30 Scream4 Patches - enhance your basses using these presets. We also tried to emulate some bass amps;
- absolute ALL Malström and Subtractor Patches include the Mod Wheel variations for extra sounds and control.

Some audio examples and demo refill is available for download. The full version has 65Mb and costs 17.5 EU / 23 USD and available to purchase via the website.
Mar 24 - 08:33 PM, by clouvel Music Software > Iced Audio
Music Software : AudioFinder goes to 3.1.5 - macmusicAudioFinder, the playing, scanning and extracting audio software from Iced Audio is growing again to a new version : 3.1.5. This new version add a lot of improvements including: fixed a bug in the Tuning Fork, added MIDI input for controlling pitch via a MIDI keyboard and changed the Sample Extractor to work with multi-selection.

AudioFinder is a USD 49.95 donationware and is available for download on the Iced Audio web site.
Mar 24 - 07:58 PM, by Macmus Music Software > TC Electronic
Music Software : TC Spark and Native Bundle discontinued - macmusicTC has decided strengthen their focus on the PowerCore platform, and to discontinue further development of Spark XL/LE, and Native Bundle.

PowerCore and its related plug-ins now account for almost 90% of the companies computer recording revenue.
Mar 24 - 07:03 PM, by Francois Déchery (translated by xingu)Computer Hardware > Digidesign
Computer Hardware : Digidesign ICON D-Control : Digi competes with SSL and Euphonix ? - macmusicThe rumors have been running for more than a year regarding Digidesign's release of a comprehensive remote surface for Protools. Now, the it's official! Digidesign announces its new system, ICON (including the new D-Control console, the X-Mon monitoring interface and Protools HD Accell).

D-Control features:

Each channel includes 2 x 32 segments, VU meters, and 6 rotary encoders assignable (per track) to the aux sends, pans, i/o selections, plug-in selections, plug-in parameters... Each encoder is surrounded by LEDs with the ability to change their colors according to what they are displaying (e.g., Green = Volume, Orange = VU Meter, Red = Peak Hold). Under each encoder, there is a fluorescent display showing the function assigned to the encoder, and two switches assigned to pre/post ...
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