At last ! Cycling'74 announced that Hipno plugin suite is now available in VST, Audio Units and RTAS versions at $199,00. Designed by ElectroTap, this package features a mix of granular, spectral, and filter/delay-based plug-ins featuring the unique Hipnoscope user interface. Also included in the package is an amazing set of processors that utilize live video input as a control source, and a new set of modulator plug-ins sure to captivate both the novice and long-time users of Cycling '74's Pluggo and Mode plug-in collections. Some highlights of the Hipno collection include:
- Morphulescence: a cascaded bank of LFO-modulated morphing filters ready for eruption.
- Vsynth: a plug-in that uses a live video feed as the spectral source for synth inspirations.
- Deluge: a quartet of granular processing engines wrapped into one glittering package.
- Shypht: a pitch-shifting effects system enlivened by pitch quantization, filtering, and feedback looping.
- VcolorTrack and Modulator Vmotion: a pair of modulator plug-ins to morph and control Hipno, Mode, or Pluggo plug-ins using video color or motion tracking.