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Mac and Music News

Through Friday December 7, 2007
Jan 29 - 06:12 PM, by clouvel Music Software > FracturedSoftware
Music Software : Rondo 1.0 - macmusicRondo midi player has been designed from the ground up to be simple, uncluttered and easy to use. Rondo has many innovative features including a vertical piano roll with live scrolling and a pull down playhead with a piano that will play along with the music.

Rondo 1.0 is available in the MacMusic softwares section.
Jan 29 - 04:02 PM, by ursplugins Plug-ins > URS Plugins
Plug-ins : URS Classic Console EQ Bundle VST - macmusicUnique Recording Software has released the Classic Console Equalizer Bundle VST versions for Mac. The VST versions support Steinberg's Nuendo and Cubase v3.x and v2.x, Bias Peak v4.x, Abelton Live, and Mackie's DX8 200 console

The VST versions will be a free upgrade for all URS Classic Console EQ Bundle owners both TDM and Native. A demo (iLok) is also available.
Jan 29 - 11:26 AM, by Metro SE Music Software > Sagan Technology
Music Software : Metro updated to 6.2.3 - macmusicMetro, the MIDI, Audio and Video sequencer has been updated to 6.2.3. Among the many new features there is now a batch conversion utility allowing many kinds of audio conversion, including MP3, MP4, Apple Lossless, AIF, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, etc.

Metro LX and Metro SE have been similarly updated.
Jan 28 - 05:01 PM, by clouvel Audio Hardware > Crest Audio
Audio Hardware : Crest debuts 4-bus mixers - macmusicCrest Performance announces two new 4-BUS CPM 24-4 & CPM 32-4 Mixers. They both feature 32 (or 24) low noise XLR inputs, three-band EQ, six aux sends, two fully assignable stereo returns with low cut, four sub groups, separate mono bus, and seven XLR balanced outputs.

CPM 32-4 costs $2899.99 and CPM 24-4 costs $2299.99. They will be available second quarter 2005.
Jan 28 - 11:20 AM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > Mark Of The Unicorn
Virtual Instrument : MX4 updated to v2.0 - macmusicMOTU has unveiled Version 2.0 for its instrument plug-ins MX4 which now features more built-in effects, more factory presets, new pattern gate function, arpeggiator, envelope follower, new invert and transform functions.

MX4 v2.0 will be available first quarter 2005 for $295
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