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Mac and Music News

Through Friday December 7, 2007
Jun 14 - 11:20 AM, by clouvel Event > Moog Music
Event : Ether Music 2005 - macmusicMoog Music and the Orange Peel announce a three-day celebration of the theremin. Ether Music 2005 will be held in the home of Moog Music, Asheville, NC, from Thursday, August 4th through Sunday, August 7th.  The event will include workshops, speakers and performances by thereminists such as Pamelia Kurstin, Lydia Kavina, Barbara Buchholz. Workshop topics will include theremin technique, how to build and customize a theremin, historical perspectives from Bob Moog, and more.

An original composition contest will be held in conjunction with this event.  To participate, an original theremin composition, no longer than five minutes, must be submitted to Moog on CD, cassette or as an MP3 file
Jun 14 - 11:07 AM, by WWAYM Plug-ins > Wwaym
Plug-ins : NWEQ updated to V1.22 - macmusicWWAYM updates Mac OS X version of NWEQ to V1.22, which changes : fix for compatibility issues with some hosts. NWEQ is an equalizer featuring 5 parametric bands (low shelf, band 1-2-3, high shelf), high quality filters (10 Hz - 22 KHz), 2 cross fadeable filter models for band 1-2-3, and more.
Jun 13 - 02:07 PM, by clouvel Plug-ins > Expert Sleepers
Plug-ins : Expert Sleepers announces three updates - macmusicExpert Sleepers annouces an updated version of Augustus Loop 1.4.2 (tape-based delay effect), Ping Pong Delay v2.0.5 (simple stereo delay) and Multitap Delay v1.0.4 (4 tap delay with filter and saturation). These releases add minor updates for Audio Units validator compatibility.
Jun 11 - 02:15 PM, by clouvel Industry
Industry : DigitalMusician beta test - macmusicAnnounced at MusikMesse, will be available as a free service in August 2005 with a standard account (real time audio and MIDI recording via internet at 128k/bit mp3 compression). A premium studio account will also be available (256 k/bit mp3 equivalent compression) and starts from €24 a month. DMN is web site for musicians and audio professionals that works along with a VST plug-in to allow real-time, distributed music production via the Internet. Musicians can team up for joint music projects or simply help each other out. Music projects, capabilities and preferences together with demo songs and photo material can be presented on an individual Artist & Studios homepage.

Mac version of the Digital Musician Link VST Plug-in is now available for public beta testing.
Jun 11 - 11:40 AM, by someday Music Software > LogicProFiles
Music Software : Managing Apple's Logic icons with a dedicated application - macmusicLogiconizer is a new application that stores in it's database, manages, imports and installs Logic icons (Logic Pro 6 and 7 and Express). The free app is useful to create icons sets visually, without guessing where will they appear in the menu, and without the need to rename them (i.e. 324.png), because Logiconizer does it all automatically. It's useful to backup your Logic icons sets and to share them or even port them to other studios alongside your projects.

Logiconizer is free to download.
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