DontCrac[k] launched a new community site that hosts and supports passionate audio software developers. Visitors will find hundreds of free audio software (freeware) for Mac & PC, forums to communicate with developers, and a secure boutique where they will find hard to find, uncommon shareware.
The name says it all : DontCrac[k] actively encourages fair use of software (as we always did on MM) because small manufacturers need to be strongly supported to create more innovative software. DontCrac[k] supports and distributes hot developers like : 4Front Technologies - Acon digital media - Camel Audio - CDXtract - CodeOperator - Delaydots - Ergonis - NUSofting - PSP Audioware - Sagan Technologies - Softplug - Swar Systems - U-he and many more.
In order to actively help developers market their products in professional conditions,
DontCrack has also built a convenient and secure
store for their products to be sold. Customers will appreciate reading precise product descriptions and requirements, downloading product demos, etc. Moreover, visitors won't have to wait to start using the software they purchased. They will instantly receive a full product file or license number to unlock their software.