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June 2007
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Mac and Music News

Through Sunday June 24, 2007
Jun 19 - 11:09 AM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > D16 Group
Virtual Instrument : D16 group Nepheton is out ! - macmusicD16 group has just released Nepheton, their emulation of the classic 808 drum machine.

Features :

- 16 fully synthesized instruments
- perfectly scaled knob ranges
- exhanced control of instruments' sounds
- dynamic signal routing from instruments to outputs
- user defined outputs configuration
- mutes/solos for each instrument (affect triggerring not just the signal)
- fully controllable via MidiCC
- quick midiCC assignation with MidiLearn function

- many ways of controlling the device :
+ external mode (note mode)
+ internal sequencer (pattern mode) with 3 submodes

- external mode :
+ user defined midi map (default set equal to General Midi)
+ midi tune and velocity controls instruments' levels and tunes

- internal sequencer :
+ 16 patterns (1 ...
Jun 19 - 10:42 AM, by melenko (translated by pesji)Plug-ins > Bismark
Plug-ins : A free spectrum analyzer - macmusicBismark has announced the release of Bs-spectrum beta 1.3, a free spectrum analyzer which is available in VST or AU formats on OSX 10.4.

More info at :
Jun 18 - 02:34 PM, by Nantho Virtual Instrument > Vienna Symphonic Library (VSL)
Virtual Instrument : Vienna Instruments: Special Brass - macmusicThe Vienna Symphonic Library team have just released the new Vienna Instruments Collection Special Brass, which is now available from Vienna's worldwide network of distributors and dealers. Like the recently released Special Woodwinds, the 21 Gb Vienna Instruments Collection Special Brass offers "resonant rarities that a first-rate virtual orchestra can't do without".

Features :

- Fanfare Trumpets (6 players)
- Cornet
- Alto trombone
- Euphonium

Vienna Instruments: Special Brass is available now for Mac OS X Universal Binary in VST, AU and stand-alone formats.

Pricing :

- Standard Library: €395 / $515.
- Extended Library: €375 / $485.
- Full Library: €770 / $1,000.

VIP Offer through July 15th, 2007

Users who have registered the Vienna Instrument ...
Jun 18 - 01:48 PM, by Nantho Misc
Misc : Linux apps and OS X... - macmusicA startup in Alameda, Calif. plans to release a kind of holy software grail called Lina. This software will allow you to run more or less normal Linux applications under Windows, Mac, or Unix, with a look and feel native to each. The concept recalls Java, which has long promised "write once, run anywhere" compatibility. As with Java, Lina users will first install a VM specific to their platform, after which they can run binaries compiled not for their particular OS, but for the VM, which aims to hide OS-specific characteristics from the application. Open source developers will be able to use Lina for free, while commercial developers will pay an as-yet undecided licensing fee.

Lina is expected to be released on July. For more details about Lina, including some nifty videos and screencasts, visit the link below.
Jun 18 - 11:18 AM, by Nantho Plug-ins > Sonalksis
Plug-ins : Sonalksis unveils TBK3 compressor plugin - macmusicSonalksis has just released TBK3 - Über Compressor. This radical analogue-modelled compressor can be pushed to extremes: and then beyond ! Subtlety is definitely not a feature of this plug-in ;-)

Features :

- Extreme analogue-modelled compression algorithm
- Optional 'true analogue noise' colouration
- Four selectable fully adaptive attack/release modes
- Modifiable side-chain filter character
- 64bit floating point precision internal processing throughout
- Ultra efficient processing, with specific optimisations for native processors
- Zero latency throughput - absolutely no internal signal delay whatsoever

The TBK3 is available now for Mac OSX (UB) in VST, AU and RTAS formats at a retail price of 119.99€. All current customers of the creative elements TBK series plug-ins c ...
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