Muse Research, Inc. announced the Version 1.2 software upgrade for Receptor, the ground-breaking hardware VST plug-in player. This software update for Receptor adds significant new features, including ADAT output support that increases the number of outputs to a total of ten. Also new in version 1.2 is Z-Load (patent-pending), which dramatically reduces the amount of time required to load a plug-in, as well as new MIDI mapping features with full support for keyboard zones and layers, improving Receptor's functionality as a synth, sampler, and sound module. Version 1.2 software for Receptor is slated to ship in the first quarter of this year.
Muse Research, also announced that it completed testing for compatibility with hundreds of freeware plug-ins. The company reports that Receptor customers are finding new plug-ins that work with Receptor almost daily and the list is growing fast. The web is full of compatible plug-ins and a Receptor customer can install them using the "Unsupported Plug-ins" installation feature.
MR also announced
UniWire, a single cable solution for connecting Receptor to a computer (Mac or PC) using standard Ethernet protocol and standard, off-the-shelf network peripherals to carry all audio, midi, and control data over a single wire. UniWire technology makes it possible to seamlessly integrate Receptor into a VST host on a Mac or PC by simply installing the UniWire VST onto the host, and then connecting the Receptor to the computer over a standard Ethernet cable. The company has announced that it will create UniWire plug-ins in other formats as well.
FD: Please Muse, do a RTAS version to emancipate the large ProTools users community deprived of VST compatibility. I'm sure we would rather buy a Receptor than a windows PC to run VST plugins that we miss ;-)