Korg's white elephant, Korg's see snake, in one word OASYS. This long long to come project, believed to be stored away due to the tremendous need of computing power needed. After years of development, it was supposed to be after having brought the OASYS card and induced the Z1 and Prophecy. Well, after more than 10 years, I don't even recall… Korg can release the OASYS synth. It's a synth workstation, a MIDI controller, an effect rack, but for now you don't see the real innovation into. It integrates into an underlined by LINUX platform: PCM, analogue modeling, tone wheel modeling (B3 anyone?), KARMA, sampling, vector synthesis (think Wavestation)… All in 24 bits, and if I remember rightly, it's not the full OASYS yet, there's expansions possible and it's not the end of it…
OASYS 76 keys $8000, OASYS 88 notes $8500 (oooch!)
More specs at Sweetwater.com