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Mac and Music News

Feb 8 - 01:44 PM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > Alphakanal
Virtual Instrument : A free Generator - macmusicSubtractive synthesis at no cost ! Alphakanal has released a freeware substrative synthesizer. Generator features :subtractive synthesis, 3 anti-aliased oscillators, 2 ADSRs for filter and amplifier, 6 modulators with tempo sync, delay with tempo sync. and more.

Generator Audio Units is available in the macMusic softwares section.
Feb 8 - 11:05 AM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > Yellow Tools
Virtual Instrument : Yellow Tools updates Majestic & Culture - macmusicYellow Tools has updated Majestic and Culture to versions 1.7.0 in order to improve compatibility with hosts applications. Culture is a percussions modular virtual instrument and Majestic is a virtual basses instrument and player.

More info and download in the MacMusic softwares section.
Feb 7 - 06:08 PM, by Francois Déchery 440network > MacMusic
440network : MacMusic moves its server - macmusicYou may have noticed that your MacMusic surf is becoming more and more slow since a few months. This is due to our always growing traffic overloading our main server. Thus we bought a brand new Dual processor server, which should resolve all issues and dramatically enhance your connection speed to MacMusic.

If all is OK, the transition should happen during the next 48 hours. During this time you may be unable to connect to MacMusic for some time. Please don't worry about that, and just try again later : The offline period should not exceed 1 hour.
Feb 4 - 08:42 PM, by clouvel Music Software > Hartmann
Music Software : MODELMaker available for Neuron VS users - macmusicMany Neuron VS users have been asking for MODELmaker, and they win ! MODELMaker is now available for Neuron VS users. This software makes possible to transform own samples into neuronal Models, and is available for both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. A software update for Neuron VS is coming shortly.

MODELMaker is freely available to all registered Neuron VS users
Feb 4 - 06:33 PM, by clouvel Computer Hardware > Lexicon
Computer Hardware : Lexicon debuts Omega recording solution - macmusicLexicon debuts its "Lexicon Pro Omega Studio", an integrated computer recording system that includes the Omega 8x4x2 USB I/O mixer now with a VST version of the Pantheon Lexicon reverb plug-in, coupled with Steinberg's Cubase LE featuring 48 track audio/64 MIDI tracks.

More info on the Lexicon Pro web site.
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