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Mac and Music News

Feb 26 - 06:26 PM, by soundandform Plug-ins > Trillium Lane Labs
Plug-ins : Aggro Compressor Released (OS 9/X, TDM) - macmusicSound And Form has released Aggro, a versatile compressor plug-in for Pro Tools TDM. At moderate settings it is smooth and transparent, perfect for vocals and acoustic instruments. Crank it up for an aggressiveness similar to a vintage FET compressor, and add intensity and character to mediocre drum tracks.
Feb 26 - 03:48 PM, by clouvel Computer Hardware > Digidesign
Computer Hardware : Digi Hardware Exchange: Trade Up to HD - macmusicDigidesign has announced its new MIX-to-HD Hardware Exchange program. Through June 30, 2004, users can exchange their Pro Tools|24 or Pro Tools|24 MIX system for a Pro Tools|HD 1. 2 or 3 Accel system and save an additional $2,000 off the regular Hardware Exchange list prices. During this offer, users will automatically receive the HDpack bundle. Details of this offer are available on Digidesign web site.
Feb 26 - 01:12 PM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > VirSyn
Virtual Instrument : Tera 2.01 Adds Tweaks, Bugfixes - macmusicVirSyn has released a version 2.01 of TERA. This new version adds features like ReWire (MIDI input for use with Ableton Live on MacOS 9) and fixes a number of bugs: OS X automation didn't work and the sequencer didn't work in the standalone version, the sequencer didn't work in stand alone version on Mac OS X, the internal keyboard triggered only one part even with combi programs, and a number of other issues. The update is available for registered users.
Feb 25 - 05:36 PM, by Deyaert Music Software > Arturia
Music Software : Arturia Storm 3 Announced - macmusicArturia is still working on the new version, and therefore cannot announce any reasonable release date, but they can say it will certainly arrive by the first days of spring.

Storm 3.0 brings a lot of new features, the biggest of them being:

- Ability to work with as many instruments and effects as your computer can handle
- Ability to work with MIDI sequences
- Ability to import MIDI files
- New improved sequencer
- New mixing console with Eqs, Pan, and FX sends
- New Piano Roll editing module for patterns, MIDI sequences, and controls
- New General MIDI instrument (GMSynth) for fidelity to imported MIDI files
Feb 24 - 08:23 PM, by ericlc (translated by pesji)Music Software > Gvox
Music Software : GVOX, Finale and Sibelius Switch War - macmusicEriclc writes us to let us know that GVOX, new owners of the once-leading Encore notation software, is aggressively pursuing its competitors' customers with a US$129.99 competitive upgrade offer from Finale and Sibelius, an enormous savings of US$270 off list. Both Finale and Sibelius has competitive upgrade offers of their own.
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