Sugar Bytes vient de sortir une version Universal Binary de son vocodeur 32 bandes Robotronic, le rendant ainsi compatible Mac PPC et Mac Intel.
Caractéristiques :
* Stereo and mono signal can be vocoded with internal synth (4 Waveforms, 24db multi-mode Filter, Noise) / internal sampler (WAV/AIFF) or mono inputs can be vocoded with each other.
* Each audio input has a channel-strip with Gate, Compressor and Gain.
* The master signal passes through a 3-band EQ and a Compressor.
* A multi-effect is included with Phaser, Delay, Reverb and Retro (Bitcrusher, Samplerater and Overdrive).
Robotronic est disponible pour la modique somme de 99 € . A noter qu'une version démo est téléchargeable sur le site de l'éditeur.