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Mac and Music News

Feb 16 - 01:23 AM, by Francois Déchery Virtual Instrument > Swar Systems
Virtual Instrument : SwarPlug: Your sequencer has just gone Asian - macmusicSwar Systems launches SwarPlug, an integrated way of adding tracks of Indian instruments in your compositions. It combines both 21 virtual Indian instruments in VSTi technology and a Librarian to browse and select among a collection of over 500 MIDI loops from the Indian classical and folkloric repertoire.
Feb 15 - 05:10 PM, by deleted Music Software > ReFuse Software
Music Software : ReFuse Link for Pro Tools and Reason/Live Updated - macmusicRefuse Software has released version 1.0.2 of their reFuse software utility for Mac OS 9. This update improves upon the stability and performance of previous versions. First released in July of 2002, Refuse is a utility application to bridge Pro Tools and Reason. It allows users to work in realtime with Reason and Pro Tools, eliminating the tedious step of bouncing Reason files to disk. Up to sixteen channels can be routed from Reason to Pro Tools, with no extra hardware needed. In addition, reFuse provides two-way transport linking between the applications.
Users of Ableton Live will be happy to hear that reFuse can link Pro Tools with Live as well.

reFuse is available only at the reFuse Software website. Cost for online delivery is $29 US, and users paying with Paypal receive their copy immediately.
Feb 15 - 04:09 PM, by phildao (translated by ptilou)Music Software > Mark Of The Unicorn
Music Software : Digital Performer 4 photos - macmusicOn this link, some Photos of DP4 demos during the Sound Shows (february 11-13th)
Feb 15 - 03:30 PM, by lepetitmartien Apple > Apple
Apple : New Xserve and the Xserve RAID at last! - macmusicXserve:
Single or dual processor, G4 (still) 1.33 GHz (still), 2GB of 333MHz DDR SDRAM, two 64-bit 66MHz PCI slots (plus a third combination PCI/AGP slot), dual Gigabit Ethernet, FireWire 800, USB, four independent ATA/133 drive bays that hold up to 720GB of data, 1U.
Available now from 2799$ (In Europe in march only)

Xserve RAID (at last!)
Companion to the Xserve line of server hardware, this self-contained storage solution holds up to 14 hot-swappable Apple Drive Modules (up to 2.52 terabytes) in a 3U rack-optimized storage enclosure.
Xserve RAID features a breakthrough Apple-designed architecture that combines affordable, high-capacity ATA/100 drive technology with an innovative 2Gb Fibre Channel interface for reliable and fast data access.
Availabe now, from 5999$ ...
Feb 15 - 02:03 PM, by rickenbacker Apple > Apple
Apple : Mac OS X 10.2.4 out now - macmusicAmongst other things, claimed audio imporovements with this update.

Digital Hub and Audio Enhancements:

• Further improves an enhancement introduced with Mac OS X 10.2.3, in which files and folders specific to Mac OS file systems are no longer copied to the disc when burning a CD.
• Improves audio quality for FireWire audio devices.
• Enhances support for mLAN devices.
• Adds support for LaCie d2 48x12x48x disc burners.
• Improves the way voice-activated applications work in Classic.
• Addresses an issue in which audio may not be sampled when using some Mac OS 9 audio applications in the Classic environment.
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