We've waited a long time for this: Cycling `74 announced at AES that Pluggo 3.1, a new version of its wildly popular audio plugin software, will support Mac OS X and Audio Units and should ship in mid-November. Pluggo has been a Mac favorite for a long time: it's Mac-only, it includes a completely unique collection of over 100(!) plugins from the bizarre to the indispensible, and as if 100+ plugins weren't enough, you can design your own audio plugins in Cycling `74's Max/MSP visual development environment. Write a plug-in once, and it'll work in RTAS, VST, and AU environments on OS X. The release of Pluggo for OS X will mean hundreds of new plug-ins will soon be appearing on OS X. It's a critical piece in the transition to OS X, and for many, many users, it will mean OS X audio has finally arrived.